27 November 2007

Pekerjaan popular untuk indon di Malaysia

1. Kilang/pabrik
2. Orang gaji alias koeli alias babu
3. Pembantu kedai (restoran/runcit/pasar raya) tak ada indon kerja di 7 eleven atau hypermarket sebab tak pandai english
4. Tukang bersih pejabat
5. Penjaga bilik air awam
6. Pekerja ladang
7. Kuli kontrak bangunan
8. Kriminal
9. Pelacur
10. Penipu


Anonymous said...

Can you proof the statement that you have wrote on your cheap blog!?

Thank you...

With Regards

Ahmad Abdul Haq said...

Geli bercampur sedih melihat seperti ini. Bangsa serumpun seharusnya rukun-damai, tapi kenapa bisa saling caci-maki? Semoga perang ini segera berakhir. Asia Tenggara akan maju bila dua negara besar ini bersatu.

Anonymous said...

Babu, Kuli kontrak, tukang bersih, peladang bukan kriminal. Mereka berjasa, membangun Indonesia dan Malaysia

Kriminal, pelacur itulah kriminal.

Orang Malaysia Penyiksa tenaga kerja juga kriminal !!

Ayo tegakkan keadilan !!

abdulah babiwi said...

dua negara besar bersatu... apa malasial negara besar?.... dunia pun tahu malasial negeri kecil yg berlagak jadi besar....malasial itu negeri kecil dng jumlah penduduknya yg kecil yg mana tiap hari kerjanya hanya bermalas-malas ria.... sambil menunggu rejeki dr kerajaan yahudinya

Anonymous said...

Well.. One thing for sure, nations call Malaysia is simply just a fake nation, these are some reason of why:
1. Since Malaysian, they don’t have land, they are stilling Indonesian land
2. Malaysian also doesn’t have a culture, that’s why so many item in their pictures, like Kalimantan’s, Javanese, Indian, Chinese, else? All of those cultures are belong to others nation!
3. Malaysian, also don’t have fix language!!!

Hooker and bitches are so much around and among them as well! Typically aiming to those Western, and Chinese filthy ugly men!
Not to mentioned those women that so call close their head with scarf, so called as jilbab, but those are also the evil that do judging people in bad language, which aint really exactly how the Moslem guides says!
Ooo… one most important thing, those Malaysian people, most are sooo dearly ugly, that’s why all the men originated, which also ugly, are so hunger of a shinny skin and a pretty face, which most Indonesian are!

Anonymous said...

dosen-dosen anda sekarang anda pikir dari mana? dari malaysia juga? i don't think so.... lumayan juga yang dari Indonesia

Maling-sia tahaik said...

malaysia.. kamu sebaiknya jangan iri pada susunan hukum indonesia yg tersusun rapi. tidak seperti malaysia yang gak punya hukum. sok2an jadi negara muslim. padahal jelas2 orang muslim banyakan di indonesia. malaysia=truly the thief of asia!

Anonymous said...

this blog was made by chinese 'Singaporean supporter' living in Malaysia,

The chinese have abused and killed many Indonesian maid but always free .
Don't let Melayu unites! For indian and chinese, lets unite!

Anonymous berkata...
the owner of this blog is INDONESIAN. he uses INDONESIAN IP.

December 1, 2007 10:55 PM

kayaknya blog beneran nih kerjaan orang Temasek atau Yahudi di indonesia. ALERT ALERT

Indonesian, not Malingsian said...

Pekerjaan yang cocok untuk Malingsian di NEGARA mereka sendiri:

Pasukan RELA, tukang pukul & pemerkosa yang di-legal-kan

Anonymous said...

Anjing Lu Malaysia....
Lu tu yang bangsa maling...
Maling Pulau orang...
Maling kayu dari indonesia..
Maling budaya indonesia (Lu bangsa yang ga punya jati diri)
Lu liat banyak Ir Indonesia yang kerja disono juga....

Anonymous said...

aku nak tambahkan satu pekerja popular untuk orang Malaysian di Indonesia :

Anonymous said...

Well kalo ga ada pekerja di Malay dr Indon bagaimana orang Malay bisa hidup, bangsa pemalas hanya bisa menghina dan mencuri karena tidak punya jati diri/personality.

Mengaku negara yang beriman, iman apa amin? Buat apa mencari kesalahan orang kalau diri mu sendiri tidak benar adanya? Buat apa bersusah payah mencari google search dan copy paste? kamu tidak punya pekerjaan? mau bekerja untuk saya? mari berkaca dan lihat siapa dirimu dan bangsamu..DODOL!!

ichaAwe said...

hey... hanya kamu yg bodoh yg bicara bgitu...
Saya dulu kerja praktek di siemens malaysia...lgsg duduk di division manager...
baaahhhh...kemana tuh orang2 Malaysia??? saya ajah yg dulu hanya kerja praktek langsung diberi jabatan manager... ketauan kan kalo malaysian origin itu bodoh2!!!!
jangan asal ngomong dech!!!! masuk neraka kamu nanti!!!!...

jgn bilang kamu benci indonesia..bilang saja kamu iri dgn negara saya...
ayo ngaku!!!!
malu dong....

salam hangat

BABU AYU said...

so kalau pun aku babu apanya yang salah?
heran banget sih pada suka banget merendahkan martabat babu!!!! padahal siapa lagi kalu bukan babu itu sendiri yg melakukan pekerjaan babu .....maling2???



Anonymous said...

ada segudang definisi Malay disini.

Orang Melayu Indonesia, kalian adalah ras melayu, bukan ras malay yang malas dan aorag, sebutan british kepada jongos malay.

Buka sendiri website ini, ada segudang definisi Malay.

Cok Lie
Jakarta, Indonesia Reply »
|Report Abuse |#2 14 hrs ago
sekali lagi:

Cok Lie
Jakarta, Indonesia Reply »
|Report Abuse |#3 14 hrs ago
ada juga nih definisi “Malaysian” disini.

Malay njangan marah ke gue yeh… bukan gue yang tulis ini. Marah aja sama webmastertnya.

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php. ..

(Gua gak tega copy and paste disini, klik aja sendiri deh…)

yeah said...

hey .... dont u see MALAY prime minister is doing some fetishism or sexual harrashment

Anonymous said...

1. malay 528 up, 259 down

Insists that they are Bumiputra(native)and should have more privileges aka 80%quota to universities,Malay-only scholarships,Malay-only houses,Malay-only land,etc etc but doesn't realise that the Chinese and Indians have been there WAYYYYYYYYY before the colonization era;and the Malays themselves are not local,they are actually a South Chinese origin.Don't belive me?Many Malays have a surname Wan-for example Wan Abdullah,Wan Ahmad,Wan Noraini.Clearly a Chinese one no?The Orang Aslis are the REAL natives because they have been living in Malaysia since the Stone Ages,but ironically they are not entitled to any Bumiputra privileges.
A race who claims to be friendly,but clearly shows great xenophobia when a non-malay neighbour moves in,and taxi drivers have been known not to take black people.They hate Jewish people a lot,because of their Muslim religion.In fact Jewish tourists who have been to Malaysia pretend they are Caucasian.
In class,they are the dumbest dumbest of the lot.Yet they get admitted to public universities 80% of the time thanks to the racist goverment.As a result they graduated unemployed because their English sucks and,but turn the tables around and say that the employers are racist.They blame their pathetic pampered lives on other people(other races?)and not the fact that they are too lazy and dependent to acheive sucess.

Next time,don't ask why the majority of Malaysian overseas students in Britain are not malay.

by TheDerangedPorcupine Malaysia May 28, 2005 email it
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2. malay 411 up, 179 down

The ethnic majority of Malaysia. Faces severe sexual repression due to religious pressure. Sole contributor of the country's sex crimes. 1 out of 3 Malays are homosexual. Fabulously lazy and laid back, and expect everything to be spoon fed to their lips. An emblem of ignorance and stupidity. Will become extinct if their racial rights are revoked.

Son - Daddy, how come Siti gets humped by her grandfather every night?
Dad - Thats because shes Malay, son. You see (puts son on lap), Malays are incestous.

by Rajjiv Malaysia Aug 13, 2005 email it
3. malay 245 up, 35 down

malays are muslims who pray five times a day for other races' tax money to increase. they hate pigs and anyone who eats them. mainly chinese. they like to call us "cina babi" when they are the ones who root and sleep in shit. and laze off all day. a chinese top scorer will not get to choose which university he wants to go to. malays can go anywhere they like even if their studies are like shit. they claim to be creative. wannabe rockstars. they perform unknown songs during school performances. malays earn more respect coming out of prison than coming out of school. they are anti intellect, ignorant idiots.

Examples of malays:
1) All the drug addicts are malays.
2) The guy who raped, burned and killed Canny Ong was a malay.
3) The guy who blew up Atlantuya (a mongolian model) was a malay. but because he's rich, powerful, and malay, he's going to get away with it.
4) Rempits are malays.
5) The ones who made chinese tourists squat nude in the lock up are malays. (but according to their bumiputra rights, they are allowed to do so, as long they dont get caught. as a result, all those who were involved were excused)

Anonymous said...

pekerjaan malon di indonesia:
Tukang BOM ex. Dr. Azhari, Noordin Moh Toples, etc.
Bandar Narkoba like Lim Jit Wee etc.
Malingsia pulau juga di embat!

Anonymous said...

hehe.. kalian MalingAsia ngiri khan ama Indonesia.. hayoo ngaku.. mentang2 luas Negarany Kalah, langsung nyolong dr Indonesia yg luas sekali.. dmn harga diri kalian malingsia?? gw bayar noceng jg udh kebanyakan untuk harga kalian

kami jg hanya kasian kpd kalian yg kekurangan kuli dll.. wong dsana orang bego jg bs jd manager..

tanpa kuli dr kami mana mungkin kalian bs mendirikan negara tsb..

seharusnya berterima kasih donk..

indrikuw said...

Just One Word


Mengaku sebagai Negara ISLAM tapi tidak menjalankan RUKUN ISLAM dan sebaliknya melakukan kekerasan kepada umat ISLAM sendiri..


iHATEMALAY said...

bayar koeli aja gabisa, palagi bayar pelacur???
Lha bayar gaji TKI aja banyak yang nunggak..
tambah dperkosa lagi...
malaysia sok berduit, padahal kere2 juga kok orangnya dan moralnya lebih rendah dari tai!..FUCK MALAY!

girllovespeace said...

c'mooon... jangan mau di adu domba... yg bikin blog ini pasti bukan orang indo n bukan orang malay..

sieta tea said...

Emangnya kalo jadi bangsa malaysia udah dijamin masuk sorga???????

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman janganlah satu kaum memperolok-olokkan kaum yang lain (karena) boleh jadi mereka (yang diperolok-olokkan) lebih baik dari mereka (yang memperolok-olokkan)." (QS 49:11)

Anonymous said...

beberapa kejelekan dr Malaysia :

1. negara merdeka bukan krn perang, tp karena diberi.

2. terorist & provokator. kebukti, dr.azhari itu dr malaysia bukan?

3. penyiksa TKI. sdh brp TKI yg tewas krn kekejian prilaku malaysian. coba liyat diberita? malaysian jrg yg tewas karena indonesian, kebnykan berita indonesian di siksa malaysian bukan bgitu?

4. bahasa melayu malaysia itu gamang bgt! klu ditelinga ga enak aja denger logatnya.

5. suka ga sadar diri! punya bangsa lain diaku²i.

6. masih bnyk kejelekan² lainnya yg gak bakal bisa disebutin disini (krn terlalu bnyk)


Anonymous said...

If you said Indonesian people can't speak English, shame on you Malaysian! You even do not hv identity of languange. Do you realize that?
Anyway, I worked for years in an international company and international enviroment where I worked a lot with American, Japanese, Singaporean,and Malaysian. You know what, even Singaporean people doesn't like Malaysian, because Malaysian is stupid, lazy and arogan.
I just want to remind you onething, that Malaysia can be quite an advance country like now, not because of the original Malay people, because you're tooooo lazy to make it that way. It's because the Chinese and Indian who lives there.

Anonymous said...

kontol lu malay

Anonymous said...

pity on you. You don't realize how POOR you are. You dont even have a fix languange. You even have to steal our culture. Fix your own country first bitch.

nenen ah yg percaya blog beginian said...

hey Fasciolepsis Buski...cari2 tempat aman aje ye! Dah banyak yang nyariin elo tuh...internetan bok ya jgn dikantor, mana penuh bokep virusan gitu lagi...Kekekeke... ;)

hispanic_hippie said...

a friend of mine who was a scholar from Malaysia told me: "Malaysia is a pathetic revengeful country/brother of Indonesia coz at the Old Regime of Soeharto, Soeharto decided to left malaysia behind to fulfilled Indonesia's independe that hadn't made any progress. And now, decades after it, Malaysia dashed forward from Indonesia and took revenge."

マレーとインドネシア嫌い said...


Anonymous said...

mungkin yach, mama dia pernah diperkosa orang indo, dendem banget deh :P

Anonymous said...

occupations that should be right for you in Indo:

ooh.. i don't have to mention it, you already mentioned it.

SLAMET said...

Katanya KITA INDONESIA negara pelacur darimana dia tau kalo tidak mencoba MELACUR.Pasukan RELA SUKA PELACUR soalnya katanya MAMAknya juga PELACUR dasar anak LONTE tak tahu diri.MAMAKnya sendiri juga diPERKOSA,tanya MAMAKmu kalo kamu itu ANAK LONTE atau bukan.MALAYSIA = GALI GONGLI



Fuck u maalingasia...

Anonymous said...

Aku kasihan dengan yang buat blog ini, ga punya kerjaan buanget sih lo??
Kawan2 jangan terprovokasi.
Yang terpenting tetap kampanye 'ANTI MALAYSIA dan kobarkan semangat Nasionalisme sebagai seorang Indonesia. Sejelek apapun negara ini, cinta kita tidak boleh luntur. Satu...INDONESIA.

Tuk Malaysia...ahhhhh...basilah...
Uncountable sin country...
Ga ada yang perlu kita respon dari komentar-komentar bodoh mereka soal negara kita.
Standard kan...orang gila selalu ngatain kalau orang waraslah yang gila...

So, jangan mau ikutan gila gara-gara negara gila...

Peace and Love

Anonymous said...

ga tw sapa de..
tapi yang jelas..
orang yang buat blog ini, cuma ga punya rasa manusia aja..
kayanya dy cuma mw adu domba..
yah tw deh..
kiamat emang udah di dpan mata..

gratefulbeingindonesian^_^ said...

Eh... dua lagi pekerjaan orang Indonesia di Malaysia... adik gw dan senior2nya pada jadi consultant IT untuk perusahaan Malaysia yang punya basis client internasional dengan level yang OK... soalnya kata perusahaannya mungkin ada orang Malaysia yang bisa, tapi performancenya ga sebagus adik gw wuekekekekek...

Satu lagi... relatives gw kerja di Malaysia jadi konsultan bidang perminyakan dengan taraf konsultan internasional... saking pinternya ditawarin jadi warga negara Malaysia,tapi blio nggak mau tuh...

Jadi biar adil nih... tolong ditambah dua profesi itu didalam listnya ok??? Soalnya gw bukan kata siapa2... melainkan KENYATAAN... ^_^... thanks sebelumnya ^_^

Itu aja masukan buat listnya... peace yaw... ^_^

Nadia said...

Well,,kita ini MAKHLUK SOSIAL..yang saling tolong menolong..

warga Indonesia bekerja di Malaysia untuk membantu kemajuan negara kan??kalo semua pekerja Indonesia ditarik,,apa Malaysia bisa berdiri sendiri??

nah,,disaat sekarang,,Indonesia butuh dukungan,,bantuan..bantu Indonesia,,bukannya diejek",dihina..apa ANDA seneng kalo negara ANDA sendiri dihina??
kalo menurut ANDA hal" yang ANDA sebutkan tentang Masalah" di Indonesia,,bantu kami buat menyelesaikannya..sama seperti Kami membantu negara ANDA..

Anonymous said...

HEH MALINGSIAALLL.. jangannn suka ngejelek2in negara orang deh. ngaca dulu donng kalo mo ngejelekin negara orang, kaya negara sendirinya bagus aja. dsana pekerjaan utamanya jadi MALING yaa??? dari nama aja uda kliatan MALINGSIALLLL... bisanya cuman nyuri budaya negara orang, tanah orng, ngaku2 makanan indon sbg makanan daerah MALINGSIAL, sama menghasilkan TERORIS... jgn cuman bisa merendahkan martabat orng dehh dsana juga banyak PELACUR aja. ngaku2 negara muslim tapi bisanya cuman mengolok2 negara orang. hah?? dasarrr BEGO,TAI lo. klo bukan krn negara indonesia mo jadi apa negara lo?? isinya orng BEGO, MALES, SOMBONG, DAN LAIN2 TERLALU BYK KEKURANGANNYA. btw, emang lo punya kelbihann?? setau gw kelebihan lo cuman bisa NYURI doang dehh. NEGARA KAMPUNG!!!!

ita said...



Anonymous said...

pekerjaan popular untuk indon di malingsia...
hmmm,,,setuju banget!!! apalagi pada 3 point terakhir (8.kriminal;9.pelacur;10.penipu)
membuktikan klo:
9. malingsia juga mengakui klo pelacuran juga merupakan kebutuhan di negaranya. (baca:ga punya moral, hampir samalah..)

Anonymous said...

Visit Indonesia 2008

Celebrating 100 Years of Nation’s Awakening

Anonymous said...

bukakakakakakakaggg !!!

ngakak guw liiat ni blog !!!

heh ..


malaysiia ??

paan ???


fucking ass hole !!

you,,muther fucker shit !!!

Anonymous said...

first, i want to say that i'm indonesian and honestly i can't deny that some of the thing you wrote in this blog is false, because it's what they did. but why did they do it is not because they wanted to but because they don't have a choice.
you may say our language is weird because you're not used to it. and believe me all of the indonesian also think that your language is weird. but that's our culture and you must respect it.
i respect your country and i won't bad mouth your country because i know my country isn't the best. i think people who can only badmouth about the other isn't any different to all of the criminals in indonesia.
i don't like the way you say pancasila as pancagila because you clearly don't know what it means.
and if you think that indonesians have low self-esteem, you were right, most of us do. but it's because we've been under pressure from other country. don't you ever study history? we've been independence just for 67 years and we need time to evolve.
i know that my country has made a lot of mistakes but badmouthing about our country doesn't make your country any better. you may say we copycat other country's things but your country shamelessly steal our cultural songs, lands, and culture and make it as your own. you're not any different.
so before you say anything bad about our country, please look at your country first. malaysia isn't the best country. neither is indonesia. but at least we won't steal something that at first we hate.
i know that you made this blog so that people will think our country is poor and bad, while your country is good. but as if you haven't noticed, now everybody think your country stole our culture and now bad mouthing our country. if you think malaysia's reputation will rise once you made this blog, think again because it doesn't

ANTI INDON said...

orang indonesia ego tapi bodoh.
cakap saja besar. tapi negara mundur.. kampungan. demonstrasi sana sini. tapi ngak fikr yg di musnahkan kemudahan asas sendiri. macam mana pemimpin kamu memimpin rakyatnya yg kampungan?.. meminta belas ikhsan d malaysia. tapi bodoh sombong! persetan kan orang2 indon yg ada d malaysia!!!! KAMI DI MALAYSIA TIDAK MAU ORANG INDON BODOH ADA DI MALAYSIA YANG MEMBAWA PENYAKIT (pencuri, penipu, pelacur)

Anonymous said...

heh..lo mo orang malaysia ato bukan..
lo coba ngaca aja tuh..muka lo tuh dosa semua isinya.udah napa jgn nambah2 jumlah orang yg bakal masuk neraka nanti.

kalo sirik ya biasa aja kali.ga punya kebudayaan, ga punya sejarah, ga punya pahlawan sebayak indonesia..udahlah..lo jadi orang tabah aja.terima aja malaysia yg udah kaya gitu.

jangan malah jelek2in indonesia.makin jelek aja tuh citra malaysia.



ANTI INDON said...

ya.. di malaysia banyak pahlawan indon.. pekerjaan mereka mencuri, menipu, pelacuran dan semua jenis kriminal.. itu la pahlawan indon..

Anonymous said...

匿名 nenen ah yg percaya blog beginian 提到...

hey Fasciolepsis Buski...cari2 tempat aman aje ye! Dah banyak yang nyariin elo tuh...internetan bok ya jgn dikantor, mana penuh bokep virusan gitu lagi...Kekekeke... ;)

December 8, 2007 6:18 AM

spertinya bung nenen, sudah mengetahui ip oknum tsb neh, bisa bagi detail lebih ?? or at least u can report this to the authorities ?? thanks for the help

I hope no more 'maling' in this world said...

Masalah lokal tuh jangan dibawa-bawa donk!!!
apa pernah indonesia menyiksa orang malingsia???
Nggak khan???
Tau diri dikitlah!!!!

raMbo said...

yeah. may the sky fall off ur heads, man.

fuckin malaysia always won because they are licking america's n the other powerful countries butt.

for me,malaysian blood are halal.

Anonymous said...

U can said that Malingsia (The thief),but do u know the main job of malingsia,,,??? "The culture thief from south east asia",,,!!!! Keep ur mouth inside malingsia!!! We're bigger than u! haha

Anonymous said...

damai damai..
ga smUa oRang indonesia nyebeLin dan gak smUa oRang maLaysia jUga nyebeLin..

hanya oknUm per oknUm..