28 September 2016

indon, you tell me lah what...

I've lived in Indonesia for a year and a half now and can say a lot of the things on here are true for Java the main island, not Bali which is the only island most people ever visit (for good reason).

To start, corruption is incredible in the government that is focused on getting rich and not actually improving the lives of the citizens. The government hides its history including it's genocide of Chinese and suspected Communist Party members, and lies about a made up grand militaristic fight for independence when it was more of an abandoned colony.

The people have some of the unhealthiest habits. Almost every local dish is fried and chain smoking can start at an infant age. The infamous YouTube smoking baby is from here. There is cigarette smoke everywhere and people aren't educated enough to know it's bad for their health.

Garbage is thrown into the nearest river as means of disposal or burned creating poisonous plastic smoke. The local rivers are also toilets and baths for the poorer people.

The streets are pretty bad with lots of traffic and pollution in most major cities. There is an incredible amount of honking: honking at other cars, pedestrians, people on the roadside, animals etc. Throw in blaring calls to prayer, wedding, and a terrible invention called dangdut music and it's one of the loudest places ever.

The people can be the nicest most welcoming people or the most ignorant, selfish, uneducated people with a high opinion of themselves. Work ethic is not high due to corruption and people think they achieve things without working hard. There are even ghost legends to support this such as the Tuyul which is a small child ghost that steals from the poor to give to the rich. Jealousy is more rampant than I've ever seen in another country and successes are often blamed on Tuyul, witchcraft, or corruption. Also most people are afraid of the dark and sleep with either the T.V. or lights on.

All of this can only be expected really with a disintegrating school system where learning just isn't taking place. It's sad really. I believe this is only not higher on the list for the fact that so little people actually ever travel to or experience the real Indonesia. The country needs a serious change starting with education.

indon is stupid because the work hard instead of work smart

I alway amazed why indon always find a way to do things the hard way. So let us compare between work hard indon style and work smart Malaysian style.

Gaining independence

Indon has to fought hard with so many casualties to gain independence why Malaysian independence the same thing by speech.

Gayang Malaysia

Since 1960 indon has yelled this mantra with no effect what so ever and Malaysian has moved forward, indon still living in nostalgic mood.

23 September 2016

Islamnya iNDHON!

Inilah Islam di indon.
This is how Islam in indon INDhON indog HAH!

Hack Apa BABU?

Taik kucing la indon, pandai cakap je!
Kalau pandai sangat pasal kau tak hack blog aku nih?!
haa hack laa.

Dulu jadi KOELI Belanda, sekarang jadi BABOE Malaysia...hahaha
Korang juga yg bodoh, jadi rakyat yg bodoh dan terus dibodohi sama pemerentah kalian..indonsialan!


PENCURI - Dua buruh indon dalang pecah rumah

Norizuan Shamsuddin

Serdang: Polis menahan dua buruh warga Indonesia dipercayai terbabit dalam kegiatan pecah rumah dan curi motosikal dalam dua serbuan di daerah berkenaan, kelmarin.
Ketua Polis Daerah Serdang, Asisten Komisioner Megat Mohd Aminuddin Megat Alias berkata, tangkapan dilakukan susulan kejadian pecah rumah yang berlaku di Taman Jinna, Sri Kembangan, jam 4.30 petang, Selasa lalu.
Katanya, hasil risikan dan maklumat polis menyerbu sebuah rumah pangsa di Taman Bukit Serdang, di sini, jam 8.30 pagi dan berjaya menahan seorang lelaki warga Indonesia berusia 30-an.
"Polis turut merampas peralatan pecah rumah dan menemui motosikal model Yamaha Ego yang dilaporkan hilang di daerah ini, Sabtu lalu.
"Hasil soal siasat membawa kepada penahan rakan suspek di kawasan perumahan Phase 2B, Seri Kembangan, pada jam 10.30 pagi, hari sama dan merampas tiga unit telefon bimbit.
"Polis turut membuat pemeriksaan di sebuah rumah milik suspek pertama di Taman Sri Serdang dan menemui komputer riba serta empat unit telefon bimbit disyaki hasil kegiatan pecah rumah," katanya pada sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Serdang, di sini, hari ini.
Menurutnya, dua suspek terbabit kini direman untuk siasatan lanjut mengikut Seksyen 457 Kanun Keseksaan.

Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Jumaat, 19 Ogos 2016 @ 2:44 PM


Keep Calm and Hate indon

Jom Beli!